Healthy coffee alternatives…Medicinal Mushrooms…Find Your favorite!

3 New Functional Mushroom Drinks That Will Offer

Bigger Benefits Than Your Morning Cup of Coffee!

Functional mushrooms are profoundly beneficial in so many ways for the health and general well being of our bodies!

They’re a food, and a medicine, and they work in a multitude of ways!

Mushrooms contain beta-glucans, which are a soluble fiber that is antimicrobial (stops the growth of microorganisms), anticancer, anti-diabetic, and anti-hypercholesterolemic (controls cholesterol levels) properties in clinical trials.

Additionally, mushrooms are beneficial for the immune system, brain health, gut health, cellular health, help sustain energy levels, balance hormones and more. 

From helping to normalize immune-system function to being used specifically for cancer treatment protocols, mushrooms play a very important role in health and healing!

Our family has been using functional mushrooms for all of their healing properties for many years now and we are excited to share these 3 New Health Drinks with you!